Garden Rendezvous Bouquet


This bouquet is a vibrant celebration of color and texture, inspired by the charm of a blooming garden. Featuring bright pink spray roses, cheerful yellow daisies, elegant tulips, and delicate lavender blooms, this arrangement bursts with life. Accents of wax flowers, spiky blue thistles, and fresh greenery add depth and a playful touch, while the black-and-white striped wrap adds a chic, modern twist. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or simply brightening someone’s day, this bouquet radiates joy and natural beauty.

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This bouquet is a vibrant celebration of color and texture, inspired by the charm of a blooming garden. Featuring bright pink spray roses, cheerful yellow daisies, elegant tulips, and delicate lavender blooms, this arrangement bursts with life. Accents of wax flowers, spiky blue thistles, and fresh greenery add depth and a playful touch, while the black-and-white striped wrap adds a chic, modern twist. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or simply brightening someone’s day, this bouquet radiates joy and natural beauty.

Complimentary Local Miami Delivery

This bouquet is a vibrant celebration of color and texture, inspired by the charm of a blooming garden. Featuring bright pink spray roses, cheerful yellow daisies, elegant tulips, and delicate lavender blooms, this arrangement bursts with life. Accents of wax flowers, spiky blue thistles, and fresh greenery add depth and a playful touch, while the black-and-white striped wrap adds a chic, modern twist. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or simply brightening someone’s day, this bouquet radiates joy and natural beauty.

Complimentary Local Miami Delivery

The Confetti Bloom Bouquet
Pearls in Aspen Bouquet
Picnic in the Garden
High Tea Tulips
from $65.00
Sunset Lover Bouquet